man standing on stone looking at sunset


Our VISION is to set the stage for action.  Embracing our common purpose demands we be on the same page, the most challenging component of this journey.

Engagement: Awakening the People of God from their slumbers, celebrating a giftedness they possess to engage in a co-created new life cycle. No longer swept by the river of life that we’re all on; no longer accepting choices made for us but graced in the freedom of our purpose and life direction engaging with others to create a new perspective for our lives. 

Life offers a menu of opportunities to give our holy lives meaning, recognizing how much we need one another to thrive. Many live in a chapter of resigned fatalism where we suspend reflection, and responsibility and choose to passively go along believing that we have no power. 

Our culture and our lives are in a blender exciting some and depressing others. The famous Gandhi phrase: “Be the change you wish to see in the world” says it all. We can’t do it alone; we need many life-experience stories to offer perspective to broaden the landscape of our lives.  We’ll explore the knowledge of what is to define what could be which will make our goals more clear.

Transformation: This is our long-term objective. Surrounded by the greatest change era in history that began before the pandemic and has been at voltage speed since.  It’s accelerated because of ideas changing that are driven by technological speed and power. The world as we know it is transforming on a cosmic level, in our world, in our country, in our state, and in us. Embracing the status quo is no longer a rational choice.  

Scientists predict that the rate of change accelerates every 1.5-2 years and by 2050 50% of today’s jobs will be robotic. The result: we need to adapt faster to keep up. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already accelerated productivity, enhanced healthcare, and increased the acceleration of education through individualized teaching with better learning outcomes. It’s an explosive force.

Cosmic expansion is even more astonishing as galaxies and planets are moving away from one another pushing the very boundaries of the universe. Some research indicates that the universe may grow into eternity. Change is here to stay; the call to transformation is upon us. The question is: how can we know how we are called to transform with an undefined encroaching future? 
Three significant lessons: 1) we have the power to influence our destiny; 2) our changing lives offer an opportunity to learn and grow, and 3) to learn the skills to solve complex problems.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
 indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”  

Margaret Mead

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